Tai Software

Business, Technology

How Are You Leveling Up Your Freight Brokerage?

The experts at Tai Software have identified 8 common areas of improvement in your processes. When not optimized, these areas cause inefficiencies that make it difficult to be profitable. Download the ebook, Don't Let Inefficiency Eat Your Bottom Line Today.

June 1, 2024
Business, Logistics

Navigate Uncertainty: A Freight Broker’s Guide to Success

In the face of a challenging market downturn, freight brokers must continue to showcase remarkable resilience and adaptability. Through proactive strategies and innovative approaches, they can survive and thrive in adversity. Discover the secrets behind success as we explore how freight brokers should navigate the uncertainty of a down market.

February 1, 2024
Business, Logistics

How Freight Brokers Survive in a Down Market

The second quarter of 2023 has revealed a potentially bleaker outlook for the freight market, almost reaching numbers of the freight recession witnessed in 2019. Discover the secrets behind success as we explore how freight brokers should navigate the uncertainty of a down market.

October 1, 2023
Business, Logistics

Maximize Email Efficiency Through AI

Traditional freight brokerage operations have been historically inefficient. Manual processes and associated errors are now being overhauled by AI-driven technology that streamline the manual and time-consuming workflows, all while providing next-gen insights that foster data-driven decisions. Download the whitepaper to explore how we’re empowering brokers to maximize efficiency through automation.

September 1, 2023
Business, Technology, Equipment

Automating the Spot Quote Process for Full Truckload Brokers

Most freight brokers are inundated with incoming emails from customers looking for a spot quote. Tai Email Assistant is a feature within Tai TMS that uses AI to extract shipment details from incoming quote requests and automatically responds with a quote in minutes.

February 1, 2022
Business, Logistics

What Can Freight Brokers Do When It’s Tough To Find Load Coverage?

Freight brokers are on the front lines of the trucking industry. They act as an intermediary between shippers and carriers, which is not an easy job.

December 1, 2021