Business, Safety

ATA Selects 22 Drivers as New Road Team Class

An immigrant from India, a former Marine and a grandmother joined an elite team of 22 professional truck drivers to make up the 2022-23 America’s Road Team Captains.

Noël Fletcher | Staff Reporter
January 19, 2022
Government, Business, Safety

DOT Dedicates $27 Billion to Bridge Repairs Nationwide

The Transportation Department is launching a $27 billion program to repair and upgrade roughly 15,000 highway bridges as part of the infrastructure law approved in November.

Noël Fletcher | Staff Reporter
January 14, 2022

John Lex, America’s Road Team Captain, Dies at 56

Professional truck driver William John Lex, a longtime driver for Walmart Transportation and an America’s Road Team Captain for American Trucking Associations, died Jan. 10 after a bout with colon cancer. He was 56.

Noël Fletcher | Staff Reporter
January 13, 2022