The Economic and Environmental Benefits of The STEER Act

Tue, October 19, 2021 - 12:00 PM, EDT


Program Aired: October 19, 2021. The STEER Act, a new bill introduced by Rodney Davis, will catalyze adoption of active emissions-reducing technologies by the trucking industry, the 3rd largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the US. Its initiatives will help the US continue to lead in cutting greenhouse gas emissions and put money in truckers’ pockets.

Thu, September 09, 2021 - 10:00 AM, EDT


Program Aired: September 9, 2021. Staged accidents aren't new, but in recent years, perpetrators have begun more actively targeting commercial trucks because they tend to have larger dollar signs associated with them. This issue not only affects the targeted carriers, but is raising insurance rates industry wide and encouraging new criminals to enter the market.

Thu, September 10, 2020 - 10:00 AM, EDT


What if you could provide assistance to your driver who is parked in an unsafe location but may not realize it? By bringing you real-time actionable insight, SmartDrive has solved two of the riskiest situations your drivers are facing today.

Thu, May 14, 2020 - 10:00 AM, EDT


The start of 2020 has been chaotic to say the least. This is on top of rising insurance premiums and increased nuclear verdicts. While most fleets experience double-digit-percentage coverage increases, what can you do to lower – or maintain - your premiums, reduce your liabilities and protect your fleet?