Trucking Cautious as Greenhouse-Gas Plan Attracts Support, Outcry at Federal Hearing
The sweeping federal proposal to cut greenhouse-gas emissions and raise fuel efficiency for medium- and heavy-duty trucks over the next decade prompted qualified support, an outcry over poor air quality and calls for zero-emissions technologies at a public hearing Aug. 18 in Long Beach, California.
California Air Quality Regulators Target Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Reduction
State air quality regulators in California said proposed Phase 2 standards for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and increasing fuel efficiency for medium- and heavy-duty trucks do not go far enough.
Report Says Proposed GHG Rule Good for Bottom Line
A report on the proposed Phase 2 greenhouse-gas rules found 87% of medium- and heavy-duty fleet operators surveyed earlier supported increased fuel efficiency and fewer emissions because the changes would also reduce what typically is trucking’s second-biggest expense, fuel.
Federal Regulators Formally Publish Phase 2 GHG Emissions-Reduction Proposal
Federal regulators on July 13 formally published their proposal in the Federal Register that would tighten greenhouse-gas emissions for trucks, improve their fuel economy and regulate trailer efficiency for the first time.
Aero Installations to Shift To Factory Under GHG Rule
Suppliers of fuel-saving technologies for trucks and trailers said they expect their products will increasingly be installed at the factory level under the federal government’s proposed Phase 2 greenhouse-gas standards.
Administration Maintaining Focus on GHGs, EPA Chief Gina McCarthy Says
WASHINGTON — The Environmental Protection Agency and the Obama administration as a whole will continue to emphasize their campaign against climate change from carbon emissions, even if all aspects of useful technologies are not known at present.
GHG Proposal Generates Optimism, Caution
Enhanced aerodynamics, low-rolling-resistance tires, improved powertrain efficiency and waste-heat recovery systems are among the technologies that equipment manufacturers could use to get better fuel economy over the next 12 years, federal regulators said in their proposed Phase 2 greenhouse-gas rule.
Efficiency Goals Set for Tractors, Engines, Trailers
The federal government has issued its long-awaited proposal to further tighten greenhouse-gas emissions from heavy- and medium-duty trucks, and for the first time regulate trailer efficiency.
First Trailer GHG Goals Attainable Utilizing Existing Tech, Makers Say
Trailer manufacturers said the initial goals of the federal government’s first-ever proposal for trailer efficiency standards will be attainable through existing technologies.
GHG Rule Estimated to Cost $25 Billion but Offers $170 Billion in Savings
Federal regulators said their proposed Phase 2 greenhouse-gas emissions rule for trucks will cost the industry around $25 billion upfront but will produce a stream of savings worth $170 billion to truck owners, who after 2021 will need to buy less diesel fuel.