Manufacturers Want Trailer GHG Rule Included in Trump Campaign to Roll Back Regulations
The Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association has expanded its offensive against the part of the federal Phase 2 greenhouse gas rule that concerns trailers by asking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to consider a Trump administration executive order intended to prune burdensome regulations.
Truck Engines Incorporate Advanced Engineering to Meet Phase 1 Greenhouse-Gas Standards
The diesel engines built this year are more efficient as the second step of greenhouse-gas Phase 1 standards takes effect. These power plants also offer improved reliability, advanced engineering, reduced maintenance and performance improvements that fleet managers and truck drivers will notice, industry experts said.
California Moves Ahead With Its Own GHG Rule
California is proceeding with its Phase 2 greenhouse-gas emissions rule for trucks — designed to be “harmonized” with the similar fed-eral rule released last year — no matter the fate of the U.S. regulation.
Eight States File to Intervene in Phase 2 Greenhouse Gas Rule on Truck Emissions
Eight states and five environmental groups filed motions with a federal appellate court on Jan. 23, asking to intervene in a lawsuit brought by the Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association against two federal agencies over the Phase 2 greenhouse gas rule on truck emissions.
Trailer Group Asks Court to Review Final Greenhouse-Gas Phase 2 Rule
Two trade associations filed petitions for review of the Phase 2 final federal rule on greenhouse-gas regulations for trucks, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has combined them into a single case to be heard by a panel of three judges to be chosen later.
Phase 2 GHG Truck Rule to Increase Mileage, Costs
If results from Phase 1 regulation of greenhouse-gas emissions from trucks are an indication, Phase 2 standards should improve vehicle efficiency further but also add cost and complexity to new trucks, according to an industry webinar on the final rule issued in August.
Regulators Announce Date for Greenhouse Gas Phase 2 Final Rule
A rule aimed at reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from heavy- and medium-duty trucks will take effect in two months, federal regulators announced Oct. 25.
October 25, 2016Senate Transportation Leaders Clash Over Highway Administration Greenhouse-Gas Proposal
The leaders of the transportation committee in the Senate are at odds over a Federal Highway Administration proposal that would measure the value of state and municipal transportation projects by their greenhouse-gas emissions.
New GHG Rule Finalized
The Obama administration unveiled its long-anticipated Phase 2 rule on greenhouse-gas emissions from heavy- and medium-duty trucks, pushing the industry to make tractors and trailers that are more aerodynamic and fuel-efficient, yet still safe and durable.
Trailer OEMs Are First Group to Face New GHG Mandate
Trailer manufacturers are the first companies serving the trucking industry that will have to meet provisions of the new federal greenhouse-gas rule.