Transport Topics business coverage focuses on the financial, economic, and commercial aspects of the modern freight business. Looking at both the microeconomic and macroeconomic forces shaping bottom lines, the news in this category includes labor news, jobs reports, tonnage and sales indicators, operations analysis, money and banking, mergers, acquisitions, e-commerce, bankruptcy, insurance issues, and more.
DHS Issues ‘TWIC’ Credentialing Rule for Port Workers
The Department of Homeland Security Wednesday issued its final rule under its Transportation Worker Identification Credential program for port security.
January 4, 2007ISM Services Index Falls in December
The economy’s service sector growth rate fell in December following two increases, the Institute for Supply Management reported Thursday.
January 4, 2007Factory Orders Rise 0.9% in November
Factory orders rose 0.9% in November, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.
January 4, 2007Navistar Announces Five-Year, $1.3 Billion Loan
Navistar International Corp. said Thursday it has received a commitment for a five-year $1.3 billion loan.
January 4, 2007New Unemployment Claims Jump 10,000 for Week
First-time U.S. jobless claims jumped 10,000 last week to 329,000, the Labor Department said Thursday.
January 4, 2007Fed Minutes Cite Continued Inflation Concern
Federal Reserve officials said inflation was a top concern at their Dec. 12 meeting, according to minutes of the Fed’s Dec. 12 meeting released Wednesday.
January 3, 2007ISM Manufacturing Index Rebounds from Contraction
The Institute for Supply Management said Wednesday its manufacturing index for December rose to 51.4 from a 49.5 reading, which had been the first contraction in more than three years.
January 3, 2007EGL’s CEO Offers to Take Company Private in $1.2 Bln. Buyout
Transportation and logistics firm EGL Inc.’s Chief Executive Officer James Crane and an investment firm offered to take the company private in a $1.2 billion buyout, the company said.
January 3, 2007HOS Rules in Canada Took Effect This Week
New Canadian hours-of-service rules for commercial drivers took effect Monday, but officials said it was not clear when most provinces would adopt and enforce them.
Letters to the Editor: 68 Miles Per Hour (Continued)
It looks like the only way the big companies can save face with shippers and receivers is to force smaller companies like us to downgrade our services to match their dysfunctional programs.
January 3, 2007