Understanding the Benefits of AI in Fleet Safety Platforms
AI is becoming pervasive across the industry and transforming the way fleets do business. In this webinar we’ll cover how AI has transformed the category of video safety systems, how AI works with other technologies to deliver value, and how fleets can benefit in the long run from implementing AI based technology.
February 20, 2020Perspective: Using AI to Reduce Turnover
Fleets searching for ways to find and retain safe drivers can find answers in their own data, if they know how to properly mine it, says Hayden Cardiff of Idelic.
White House Proposes Guidelines for Regulating AI Use, Including in Transportation
The Trump administration is proposing new rules to guide future federal regulation of artificial intelligence used in medicine, transportation and other industries.
Perspective: Looking Forward With 5G
The technology elephant in the room for warehouse operators is 5G wireless technology; specifically, whether it’s worthwhile for the sector to convert from existing 4G systems.
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Content Management
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and systems interoperability has had a tremendous impact in the back office. This whitepaper explores how AI can be used to make data-related decisions in back-office systems to positively impact a transportation provider’s bottom line.
November 18, 2019Nauto Unveils AI-Powered Driver-Behavior Learning Platform
Fleet-safety technology company Nauto on Nov. 6 unveiled its first and only in-vehicle, artificial intelligence-powered Driver Behavior Learning Platform, according to a news release.
November 12, 2019Future of Workforce a Priority Amid AI Push, Lawmakers Say
WASHINGTON — The advancements in artificial intelligence will require a national strategy that ensures workers are able to adapt to sweeping changes, two members of Congress active in this national debate said Oct. 16.
Fleet Executives Stress Corporate Culture as Recruiting Tool
SAN DIEGO — The future of trucking will mean managers will be tasked with sifting through a lot of data at the same time the industry turns to artificial intelligence, according to a panel of transportation officials.
AI-Powered Analytics: Company Reports Can Now Write Themselves
Truckers looking to autogenerate written reports from their databases now have a raft of choices available, thanks to the emergence of artificial intelligence-enabled writing software. Essentially, these AI-generated writing solutions can drill down into company databases and autoproduce easy-to-understand, written reports.
Robots Displacing Jobs Means 120 Million Workers Need Retraining
More than 120 million workers globally will need retraining in the next three years due to artificial intelligence’s impact on jobs, according to an IBM survey.